Saturday, March 15, 2008

Information from March 6 Meeting

The following was distributed via email to members by John Craig, Briarwood Pool Board Chairman, following the March 6 public meeting. If you are NOT receiving emailings to members and wish to, please forward your email address to and I'll make sure you are put on the list.

From John Craig...

Dear Members,

Attached is the information presented Thursday March 6th concerning the Club. While I am extremely optimistic about our chances to keep moving forward, I cannot stress enough the importance of volunteerism, membership drives and other support you could assist us with.
We have assurances to keep operating past the 2009 season so long as we continue to grow and cost contain. We hope to secure non-profit status this spring to help the bottom line expenses.

If you have suggestions, can volunteer in some small way or contribute to the casue to maintain our rich 44+ year history, those efforts will allow us remain intact and viable. We look forward to your continued and valued support. Tell a friend about Briarwood.

I hope to hear from you about your ideas to grow our efforts; thank you and Happy Easter.


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